We packed a lot of activity into one week while we had so many cousins in town. Last Monday we took the kids to Colorado Springs to enjoy time with Beccy's best friend Lindy and her new baby Lorien. We took all of the kids to the visitors center at Focus on the Family. The kids loved it. On Tuesday while we were waiting for Rachel's kids to come into town we took the kids to an indoor bounce house warehouse. Beccy planned a really fun Mexican Fiesta on Wednesday for Cousin Camp. On Thursday, Grandma Pookie took the Hoff family to Garden of the Gods. Grandma Pookie then took the Thompsons on the Georgetown loop on Friday. Saturday was a day of family. We had brunch with our cousin Debra. In the evening we went to a cook out at our cousin Todd's house. We really enjoyed the whole week spending time with so much family.
This is the inside of an airplane inside of Focus. Audrey and Hannah spend about 15 minutes running back and forth in here yelling "Go, Go, Go!" and giggling the whole time.

Here is a picture of Lindy holding Lorien. Seth and Isaac are on the step above. Hannah is climbing up to join them.

Beccy and Grandma Pookie are dancing a Mexican Hat dance with Seth, Katie and Ben. The kids really loved Cousin Camp.
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