Saturday, May 16, 2009

1000 Gifts 1-5

I discovered a new blog that I have really enjoyed at  At that blog Ann asks her readers to become a part of a gratitude community.  She challenges us to come up with 1000 things we are thankful to God for.  I am going to try to write down 1000 of the gifts God has given me.  I don't know how long it will take me, but I believe the practice of being thankful will be a wonderful exercise for me.  Here is what I am thankful for today.

1.  I am so thankful for the legacy I have from my own family and the family I gained through Greg.  So much faith, generosity, loyalty, and love have flowed down to me, my husband and our children.  I am overwhelmed at how blessed I have been through birth and marriage.

2.  I am grateful for the gift of breath and life.  Today we walked and jogged in order to give to people who have lost the ability to easily breathe and many have lost their lives to lung cancer.  Too often I have forgotten that my health and life are gifts of grace from God.

3.  I love the belly laughs of my children.  They may be the happiest sounds I have ever heard.

4.  I love days when we can open up our windows and enjoy the breezes of cool Colorado spring/summer afternoons.  It always makes me happy to listen to our neighborhood waking up from our winter hibernation.

5.  I am so thankful for weekends spent outdoors and enjoying family time together.  I always enjoy our time together, but it seems more special when we are doing something out of the house and breaking up our usual routine.

Stay tuned for the continuation of 1000 gifts.

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